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What situations can you use a tourist visa for?

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2018 | Immigration |

As an immigrant currently visiting Nebraska or planning on doing so in the near future, you will need to look into visas. There are many types of visas out there, each serving a different scenario and purpose. What sort of visa is most suitable for you?

Let’s take a look at tourist visas first. The U.S. Department of State lists the different types of visitor visas available to people coming into the country. The tourist visa falls under this category. The different situations that a tourist visa can be used for include:

  • Visiting friends or family
  • Tourism or vacationing
  • Enrolling in non-credited educational classes
  • Amateur non-paid sports, music, or contests
  • Medical treatment
  • Gatherings hosted by organizations

Essentially, if you plan on visiting the country of your destination as a tourist and are going for a specific recreational reason, you can use a tourist visa. You aren’t allowed to be making money while in the country or conducting business, as that requires a separate visa. Tourist visas are strictly for leisure.

It should also be noted that a tourist visa is intended for short-term stays, not long-term or permanent moves. If you’re hoping to stay in a country for months at a time, then you will likely need to take a look at other options.

Tourism visas are just one of the many types of visas available. If your particular situation doesn’t warrant a tourist visa, you may want to look into a business visa instead. This will cover business matters like contract negotiation, settling estates, or consulting with partners.

